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Real Life provides meaningful opportunities for refugee and immigrant youth to practice and develop skills to make them more successful after high school including job readiness, college readiness, language and communication development, financial literacy, and interpersonal skills. Real Life students and volunteers also have fun celebrating each other’s cultures, going on field trips, and creating friendships.

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Financial Literacy

Our financial literacy curriculum, generously provided by Merrick Bank, empowers refugee and immigrant students with essential knowledge and skills to navigate the world of finance confidently. Through interactive lessons and activities, students learn about budgeting, saving, banking, and the importance of responsible financial management.

Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math

Our STEM curriculum engages students in hands-on learning experiences that spark curiosity, creativity, and critical thinking. Through exciting experiments, projects, and challenges, students explore various STEM concepts and develop problem-solving skills essential for success in today's rapidly evolving world.

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Field Trips

Our program goes beyond the classroom to provide enriching experiences through field trips to various cultural, educational, and recreational destinations. These outings offer students opportunities to explore new environments, broaden their horizons, and connect learning to the real world.

Other Life Skills

In our life skills curriculum, students gain practical knowledge and abilities essential for navigating everyday challenges and achieving personal success. Topics such as communication skills, time management, goal setting, and decision-making are covered through interactive discussions, and real-life scenarios. By mastering these life skills, students develop confidence, resilience, and self-reliance, empowering them to overcome obstacles and thrive in their lives.

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Meet Our Partners

Youthlinc is an organization that believes that partnerships are the best way to make our community impact as meaningful and robust as possible. We currently partner with…

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